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Hot Issues...& What You Can Do

Pebble Mine at Bristol Bay, Alaska: A huge open pit mine for copper, gold, and molybdenum is being proposed for an area at the headwaters of streams flowing into Bristol Bay, Alaska. Due to the nature of such mining, it would bring huge risks to this fragile environment and its flourishing fisheries. From Alaska's Trout Unlimited:

The sulfide nature of the ore body means that it will generate acid mine drainage which will seep into the surface and groundwater and kill fish. Pebble will generate billions of tons of toxic tailings. The toxic wastewater will have to be contained and treated into perpetuity. Mining companies are notorious for going bankrupt after extracting the targeted minerals from the earth, leaving taxpayers to pay for expensive cleanup, containment, treatment, and the loss of habitat. None of these risks are acceptable in Bristol Bay.

Commercial fishing, sport fishing, Native American, and environmental groups are allies in opposition to this mine. The proposed mine is currently in regulatory review by various state and federal agencies.

For more information, go to:


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Conservation News, Information & Group Efforts

Local Restoration Efforts


The Delta: Water, Fish & Farms, Oh My


Fish Farming & Genetically Modified Salmon

2014 Game Warden Stamp 

Fish & Game Warden Stamp

In California, 385 Game Wardens patrol and protect 159,000 square miles of California's natural habitat.

The California Game Warden Stamp can now be purchased for $5 at DFG regional and licensing offices or by sending in this form (PDF). The inaugural stamp is a decal which can be proudly displayed to show your support for the work wardens do. All proceeds will be deposited into a special account and used to provide important tools for the 385 fish and game wardens statewide. Read more...