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Diablo Valley Fly Fishing Club
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HomeGolden Trout Award

Golden Trout Award

Click Here to See the Golden Trout Award Hall of Fame

The DVFF Golden Trout Award program is designed to stimulate member involvement and to encourage participants to increase their knowledge and build new skill in several areas of fly fishing. Acknowledgement of a member's completion of the program is made at the regular club meeting. He or she receives the Golden Trout Award pin and their name and photo is added to the Golden Trout Award Plaque.

Proceeds from membership fees, classes, outings, programs and dinners are used to help offset the cost of these activities. The Board of Directors does all it can to hold expenses to a minimum. The Board makes every effort to provide quality activities at an affordable cost for the members. It is the hope that all will enjoy the various activities the club offers. You can register online to start your work toward this achievement by clicking here

Golden Trout Award PinWith one of the clubs primary mission's is the teaching and educating of persons genuinely interested in improving their skills. The Golden Trout Award program represents one of the best methods of learning and getting involved.

All members are encouraged to participate; major categories for learning include: Casting, Conservation, Fishing knots, Fly Tying, Literature (general fishing), Entomology, Membership, Club Events, Outings and Rod Building. The category outline is below.

A Golden Trout requirements check-off list is available by clicking on this link and printing or saving it to your computer. Completion of these requirements results in club recognition with a pin and adding the member to the Golden Trout Award Plaque. More importantly, it provides a means for enriching the experience of the member and the club!

Following is a list of the elements that make up the award program. It is necessary to complete seven (7) of the ten (10) categories within two calendar years of the application date. You may contact Gene Blazick for more information.

Golden Trout Program Category Outline

Download Golden Trout Requirement Checklist

Literature (One Only)

  1. Read one fly fishing book and write a short, one-page report to be kept on file for reference and for possible publication in the Windknots.
  2. Write a short (500 words or less), where-to-how-to article or personal fishing experience article to be published in the Windknots.

Conservation (One Only)

  1. Attend a meeting of a recognized conservation group, (other than DVFF or other fly fishing club), such as Cal Trout, NCCFFF, CSPA, etc. and submit a brief report to the chairperson.
  2. Write three (3) letters to government officials regarding three separate fishery-related conservation issues or pending legislation. CC: Golden Trout Chairperson.
  3. Participate in a board-approved conservation project such as a river litter clean up, construction project, etc.


  1. Capture and submit labeled specimens of three major insect foods, such as mayflies, caddis, stoneflies, etc.. Specimens may be submitted in any clear plastic or glass jar. The label should include the common name of the insect, (mayfly stonefly, etc.), and the location and date of collection. BE SURE TO CHECK AREA REGULATIONS PRIOR TO COLLECTING ANY AQUATIC INSECTS!

Club Outing

  • Attend and participate in a planned DVFF Club fishing outing.

Club Event (One Only)

  1. Assist with one major club event such as the annual installation dinner (crab feed), club auction, etc.
  2. Attend one club-sponsored event, such as the NCCFFF Conclave at Lake Tahoe, or the Fort Mason Hall of Fame Dinner/Trade Show, etc.


  1. Requirement #1 – Demonstrate a Roll Cast to 35 feet
  2. Requirement #2 – Demonstrate False Casting at 35 feet
  3. Requirement #3 – Demonstrate Double Hauling at 40 feet
  4. Requirement #4 – Demonstrate a Distance Cast to a minimum of 70 feet

General standards for every requirement:

  • 5 attempts allowed
  • Loops can be any size
  • Leader must land relatively straight
  • Only a few tailing loops are allowed
  • All distances are measured from feet to fly
  • All casting must be done using a floating fly line and a yarn fly. No flies with hooks are allowed.
  • No flies with hooks cut off are allowed. Only yarn flies can be used.
  • Floating fly lines must be 5 through 8 weight. No Sinking Lines or Shooting Heads are allowed. Be sure to clean your fly line before you arrive.
  • Leaders must to be 7 to 9 feet long and 0X-3X in tip diameter.


  • Demonstrate proficiency in tying the following fishing knots: Improved Clinch, blood knot, nail knot, surgeons knot and perfection loop.

Fly Tying

Tie one fly from each of the following seven categories (flies must be previously published, widely recognized patterns):

  • Dry Fly (Royal Wulff, Adams, BWO, etc.)
  • Wet Fly (Montana Nymph, AP Nymph, PT, etc.)
  • Streamer (Grey Ghost, Supervisor, etc.)
  • Terrestrial (Joe's Hopper, Letort Cricket, etc.)
  • Steelhead (Skunk, Brindlebug, Silver Hilton, etc.)
  • Saltwater (Lefty's deceiver, Salt Shrimp, etc.)
  • Bass Bug (Dahlberg Diver, Umpqua Swimming Frog, etc.)

Rod Building

Completely build a fly rod from a blank of your choice. Progress checks will be made at various stages of completion as follows:

  1. When all the parts have been gathered.
  2. After the hand grip has been installed/turned.
  3. After the guides have been placed and wrapped.
  4. Upon completion.

Enrollees completing this activity will receive credit for two activities. Partial credit may be given at the discretion of the chairperson if the project is not solely completed by the enrollee.

Membership Drive

  • Recruit two new members into the club during the term of your program. Assist them in becoming oriented with the club and it's activities. Introduce them to friends. Encourage them to participate in club activities such as the Golden Trout Program and outings and make yourself available to answer questions and offer help.