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Diablo Valley Fly Fishing Club
Friendship | Conservation | Education


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The annual DVFF Frank Harris Youth Fly Fishing Scholarship was established during 2019 in memory of member Frank Harris, who was passionate about the value of getting kids outdoors. Especially by having fun and gaining an appreciation of nature through learning fly fishing skills. Frank was one of the founders of the Bay Area Youth Fly Fishers program and was instrumental in its success. This is a fitting way to honor his legacy and his contributions to youth fly fishing. Each year the DVFF board evaluates opportunities to fulfill Frank's vision and awards a scholarship or grant in his name to a worthy recipient. Donations to this fund are directly applied to the scholarship.
Donations to this fund will be earmarked for the club’s efforts to teach those who are genuinely interested in learning or improving their fly fish skills and fly tying, as well as the Trout in the Classroom program. Gerry Ng (Member #1105) was a consistent contributor to the DVFF’s efforts to promote fly fishing and an understanding of the natural environment though this involvement in Trout in the Classroom. Gerry joined the DVFF in 1987 and was heavily involved in the Trout in Classroom, building aquariums, delivered them to schools, and coordinated with the Department of Fish and Game to distribute, with the help of others, eggs for the aquariums.