Outing Leaders' Duties
The duties of an Outing Leader for a DVFF Club Outing is not a time-consuming task. The job is simply to coordinate. You are not expected to provide "expert advice" or "professional instruction," though knowledge of the destination is important. Following is a list of the duties:
• Submit a write up to the Windknots editor describing the outing so that it can be published in at least two issues, and preferably three, prior to the trip. It should contain a summary of timing and location information, any limits on the number of participants (specifically state whether or not there is a limit and if so, what the limit might be), the type of fishing, suggested gear and fly selections, and the Outing Leader's name, email address and phone number. (Refer to examples in past issues of Windknots.)
• Some members like to share rides. As appropriate, choose a good, central location where members can meet, form ride pools and safely leave their vehicles. It seems to work best to allow members to form their own ride sharing arrangements at the meeting locations and it is not necessary for members riding alone to meet or caravan with the group.
• As appropriate and at the discretion of the Outing Leader, breakfast and/or dinner arrangements can be made for the group. (This is necessary on multi-day trips.)
• Contact each attendees one to two weeks prior to the outing to provide the following:
• Time and directions to the location to meet for ride sharing;
• Updated information from local fly shops (or other resources);
• Recommended tackle and flies and;
• Lodging or camping information, if needed.
As appropriate, written information with instructions, maps, etc. can be provided at club meetings (on the outings desk) or sent via the postal service or email. The email approach is an easy, inexpensive approach that seems to work well, though efforts should be made to ensure the attachments are readable by everyone.
• Determine a time and place to gather at the outing site, introduce members on the outing, exchange last-minute information on conditions, describe fishing locations to those not familiar with the area, and coordinate a meeting place, if appropriate, for after-fishing gathering or meal. Also, as appropriate, you may choose to break up the group into smaller groupings, with an experience leader for each smaller group.
• Provide outing results/fishing report (and photos) to the Windknots editor and the club webmaster.
If you might be interested in becoming an Outing Leader, please contact the outings chairperson.