Next Monthly Club Meeting & Program
Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting to Be Presented In Person and/or Online
The Lakeside Room
at Heather Farm Community Center
301 N. San Carlos Dr., Walnut Creek
Doors Open at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Starts at 7:30 p.m.
Invites to the Online Session to be
Sent to Members via Email
DVFF Open House
Our annual Open House includes tables staffed by club volunteers who can help members learn about all aspects of DVFF – educational offerings, outings, conservation, safety, video and reading library, Trout in the Classroom, Golden Trout Award, etc. This will also be a chance to learn about the club’s volunteer opportunities.
The Open House will include the DVFF's annual Memorable Catches presentation. (You can see last year's presentation below.) This will be an IN-PERSON ONLY meeting.
Snapshot of Our 2023 Accomplishments
Join The Club!
You can join online or join the DVFF online or download a membership application. (The membership form requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.) Print out and complete the form and either bring it to a meeting or send it to the club mailbox (Diablo Valley Fly Fishermen, P.O. Box 4988, Walnut Creek, CA 94596). You may also pick up an application at a meeting. (You can renew your membership online by clicking this link.)